15 Gennaio 2025
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Our commitment
The Tannery La Perla Azzurra complies with all norms and laws concerning environment, chemicals, protected and endangered animal species, labour and all the other things that go against fundamental moral and legislative principles.

No animal has been killed for its skin.
All raw material is a by-product of the food industry.
We are a UNIC (Unione Nazionale Industria Conciaria) credited company since 2004.

European Commission Decision 2002/232 CE
In compliance with European Commission Decision dated 18th of March, 2002 (2002/232/CE), our leather does not contain PCP (Penta - Clorine - Phenol) and Chrome VI.

Washington Convention
Our product is not made of parts of animal species mentioned in the “washington convention” which, in Italy, was ratified by the law no. 874 del 19.12.1975 and its following amendments.

Italian Health Ministry Decree dated 12.03.2003
Our leather is in comformity with the requirements stated in the Italian Health Ministry Decree of the 12.03.2003.

our product is realized within the parameters of a quality system in conformity with norm uni en iso 9002.

Consorzio Vera Pelle Italiana Conciata Al Vegetale (Italian Genuine Vegetable Tanned Leather Consortium)
The Tannery La Perla Azzurra is one of the founders and active promoters of the Consorzio Vera Pelle Italiana Conciata Al Vegetale (Italian Genuine Vegetable Tanned Leather Consortium) and attends to the events periodically organized by the consortium all over the world.
(Consortium Web-Site: www.pellealvegetale.it)

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